
- Marie G.

“Mark is a great teacher, and his passion for photography is only matched by his deep technical skill.  He was patient, helpful, and never made me feel like my questions were too basic to answer.  

I’ve learned a huge amount from Mark, and am committed to “upping my game” as a result of his encouragement.”

- Lisa B.

“Check it out! I’ve been wanting to learn more about taking better photos on my ‘fancy’ camera and camera phone. I’ve looked on many websites but the information is super overwhelming! I really need the hands-on learning approach.

I attended the Intro to Instagram presentation from @Focusonphotography to get a feeling if more classes through here would help me out. I found Mark to be very personable and super knowledgeable. I am definitely going to be taking another class in the future. I can’t wait to finally learn more about my camera and how to optimize my picture taking skills!”